Thursday, January 15, 2009

"BLISS MOMENT" January 15, 2009

Tonight my mom taught Betsy and I how to play the guitar. It was so awesome-I'm really proud of myself I already learned 4 notes (that is amazing for me because I am not very musically inclined) we had such a great time-I felt like we were having our own little jam session! I love it because my mom let me take her old guitar the one that she learned on-that means a lot to me. Hopefully I will become a kicka** rocker and be able to teach Ellie on the same guitar!


Stefanie Sullivan said...

Way to go sis! I want to learn how! Hey I tagged ya, go to my blog to see the rules!

Anonymous said...

Thats awesome Amelia. I have the guitar my mom learned on too, and I love it. I'm proud of you.