Sunday, February 22, 2009

"BLISS MOMENT" February 22, 2009

Tonight I made dinner for my family. We had Shepard's Pie-not a very glamourous meal but a Lewis favorite thanks to Ashley Laris for the recipe. I decided to do something a little different tonight so I wore my cute apron, set the table with my cute red and white dishes and matching place mats and I even put my red tulips in the middle of the table. (my big splurg for the week-I just couldn't help myself they are only $4.99 a bunch at Smith's for anyone interested). No I am not trying to be Martha Stewart I am just trying to enjoy all of the things that I have. I am really trying to concentrate on being happy with the things that I have. I got so much satisfaction out of just taking a few extra minutes and making myself use my creativity. I think that Jimmy even appreciated it because he did the dishes without me even having to ask.


joy said...
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joy said...

Sorry I deleted my first comment. Good job Amelia try to use your creative side every day. Love your new posts. Kiss my babies.
Love Mom