Saturday, November 22, 2008

Little Sleepy Bug!

Ellie is such a crazy sleeper! She cracks us up. Every time I go in to check on her she is in a different position-most the time she is on her belly with her little bum straight up in the air. It's a good thing the swing has buckles or she would be all over the place.


-Amy- said...

Austyn had this same swing and one day I came in and he was literaly hanging upside down asleep! Good thing for the buckle! He slept in ANY position!lol

GGMAW MEG said...

The new pictures are so cute and of course I love everything about Evan and Ellie. If I don't see you and your beautiful little family almost every day I get so lonesome. I will miss you a ton this week. Keep that band going.
Love you all so much.

Paul and Megan Hawkes said...

Kids are such angels when they sleep. It always melts my heart when I watch my kids sleep.