Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Christmas Morning!

Christmas Morning was absolutely crazy!! I couldn't even stand it so Jimmy and I woke the twins up around 7:00 and they dug into their gifts. The first thing Evan said was "Where's my Chainsaw" They were a little confused as to why Santa wasn't at our house-I think it was because we kept saying "Santa is Coming" after we opened gifts at our house we went to Mike and Sherry's for breakfast and more presents. Evan and Ellie got their first "BIG BIKES" I can't wait until it is warm enough so they can go outside and ride them. Then, we went to my mom and dads house-by the time we got there and opened more gifts we were exhausted (that is why there are no pictures) Grandma Joy and Papa John gave the twins 4-wheelers and snowmobiles-I swear this summer there is going to be a lot of helmet wearing!! We had such a great Christmas even with all of the spoiling I felt like we were still able to remember the things that were important and enjoy the Holidays!