Thursday, October 7, 2010

Warren Family Reunion 2010

This is the 3rd year that the twins have been able to go to the Warren Family Reunion-we had so much fun!! There are soooo many little kids right now it is CRAZY! Evan was so funny this year he found one of my old straightening irons and he had to pack it everywhere with him (you will see it in a lot of the pics) Ellie was totally obsessed with Gabby and Addy and Evan was totally obsessed with Ashley-and their obsession hasn't stopped! The little night games were so much fun this year with all of the kids-they had races and I swear that after every race there was a kid crying because they fell down or someone tripped them and then you would see the mom or dad go running into the middle of the race to rescue them! We had such a great time this year and I can't wait until next year, I am so glad that the twins have this opportunity to meet all of their cousins!!!