Saturday, November 14, 2009

Elk Hunt!

Hyden's little dog "Bandit" He is like the dream dog for all little boys.

So I know that this post is a little out of order, but I just had to post these pictures. This year was way better than last year-I don't know if anyone remembers last year's post "I HATE CAMPING"! The kids were actually able to go outside and play and run around-we only had one melt down where Jimmy had to leave Flaming Gorge Lodge with Evan because he was hysterically crying oh and I forgot Ellie spilled Red Wine all over me at Red Canyon Lodge, I think that restaurants are going to start putting up their closed sign's when they see us coming, but all in all we had a great camping trip!


The Mortons said...

Joey and I need to do this camp out with you guys again next year.. remember the year when we went and the boys all got in trouble, HAHAHAHA.. good times.

Tiffany Morton said...

I love that pic of all the kids in the tent! And Bandit is the cutest thing ever. Can you imagine if we were all to go next year? Like 12 kids under 5??

Anonymous said...

I love that picture of that dog!!! he is picture perfect. I'm glad to hear that this camping trip went a little better then last year, looks like you guys had fun. Love ya