Thursday, October 15, 2009

Oh my little Evan!

Evan is so dang funny right now. I am not sure if he is feeling insecure or what, but he is so obsessed with his shoes. First it was his crocks-he had to wear them everywhere even to bed and now it is his little Reef slippers-it wouldn't be such a big deal but the slippers are fur lined and they were starting to get really nasty after being worn for a week straight! And the other night he had to sleep with 2 blankies, his teddy bear, and his play bullet bike all while wearing his shoes. That same night he woke up at 1:30am and wanted in bed with us so Jimmy went and got him and he had to bring all of those things into bed with us! I felt like I was sleeping with a "bag lady" and a few nights before that he woke up in the middle of the night because one of his slippers had come off and when I went into his room he was crying and hugging the slipper! I am sure that this is just a faze, but he is really going through something right now. I love my little guy so much! Here are a few pics of Evan trying to walk in Jimmy's shoes!


-Amy- said...

Too cute!! I hope he grows out of it because my 2 boys havent! Ayden has to have his blue soft blanket and his "cooper"(stuffed dog) and Aust has to have his monkey blanket and bear, and yes it all comes to our bed with them in the middle of the night!