Saturday, May 9, 2009

Evan and Ellie's 1st Birthday!

I can not even believe that a year has already gone by! Their birthday was totally bittersweet, on one hand I am glad that they are getting older and more independent but it makes me so sad to think of how fast time flies. It has been such a crazy year with tons and tons of changes in our lives. I can not even believe how much happiness Evan and Ellie bring to my everyday-they truly are my life-I can't even imagine my life without them!! We are so blessed to have such a wonderful little family-I wake up every morning feeling totally complete! And I just hope that I can cherish every moment of this next year of their lives as much as I have cherished this one! We had such a FUN party-we invited all of our family and friends-it was totally crazy and I think that Evan and Ellie were a little overwhelmed-but hey you only turn ONE once! I can not even believe the amount of presents they got-It was like Christmas in April! It was so nice to have every one over and have them help us celebrate Evan and Ellie's first year-they are so loved and it really shows!!


Andy and Brooke said...

What a fun Birthday! They both look so cute and I cannot believe they are ONE! I am glad they are doing so well!

Candace said...

The twins were so cute on there birthday, I can't believe how time just flies by!! They are so cute and we love them to peices!!