Sunday, May 10, 2009

"BLISS MOMENT" May 10, 2009

So this year was my first "Mother's Day"-I actually had the babies last year-but our lives were so crazy with Evan and Ellie being in the hospital that we didn't even celebrate it! So this was the first year that I actually celebrated it! How amazing to have a day that is dedicated to mom's we all get so caught up in our day to day duties that we don't get told "Thank You" very often-so it is really nice to hear it. All I can say is that I am so thankful that I can finally be a part of this holiday-I spent so many years wanting nothing more than to be a mom and now I finally am! I really cannot think of anything I would rather be doing-I love taking care of Evan and Ellie and watching them grow and learn everyday! I only work 2 days a week at the most and on the days that I have to leave them my heart hurts-I am just so content to stay home and do the "mom thing" I hope that I will always be grateful for Mother's Day and remember what it felt like to want to be a mom so badly! Thank you Evan and Ellie for making me a mom and I hope that I can be the best mom to you! Love You Lots!!! Mommy


Tiffany Morton said...

I love all your pictures from their birthday! I wish we could have been there, it looked like so much fun! They need to get together with the Ramsers and go cruising on their little 4-wheelers together!

Anonymous said...

The pictures from their birthday are so cute. I wish I could have made it.

Kris & Lisa Stewart said...

ok maybe i'm a total SAP but i just read that and it made me cry! i'm so happy for you and jimmy to have these beautiful babies in your lives! we love you!