Thursday, December 8, 2011

Summer, Bikes, & Friends!

This summer the twins had so much fun riding their bikes. They also loved playing with all of the neighbor kids! Jimmy would put out our "CAUTION CHILDREN PLAYING" signs and he would run the neighborhood races!! I swear I spent most of the summer on the front porch watching Evan and Ellie ride their bikes in the drive way! I can't even believe that they are old enough to play with all the other kids and I know that this next summer the training wheels will be coming off because they were begging to take them off this summer!! Jimmy and I just were't quite ready for that.


Candace said...

Ahhhh!! these pictures are priceless, i love them!! Summer is such a great time. I just posted my last day at the lake pictures too. This is bad cuz i already am having spring fever!